Transformationscoaching & Massagestudio
Transformationscoaching & Massagestudio 

Self-Development - The Reconnection®          (Dr. Eric Pearl)

The Reconnection® is an accelerated exchange of the energy, light and information found in the Reconnective Healing Frequencies. It is a focused formation to connect three systems: the ley lines of our planet, the meridian lines of the human body and the universal energy grid. The Reconnection is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that ties us back into a timeless system of intelligence. It is tangible, measurable…you can actually feel it. For more information please go also too "Science".

The difference between Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® is essentially one of intent. The intent of Reconnective healing is healing on all levels including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. The Reconnection® is for those who want to take this a step further and connect to their life’s path. The Reconnection® is a profound experience that enables you to step into the next stage of your evolution, and to move forward with a deeper connection to who you really are. Many people report that their lives change dramatically after receiving their Personal Reconnection, especially within the first 6-12 months, when they are likely to experience a period of accelerated personal growth and develop a clearer connection to their own life purpose.


The Reconnection first came in on the vibration of 333, and continues to vibrate at that rate. In order for this work to be complete and in its full expression, there must be an exchange in the 333 vibration. This has been set worldwide by Dr. Eric Pearl. In Europe the exchange is € 333.


The Reconnection is given over two sessions each taking approximately 50 - 60 minutes.

The sessions need to be 24hrs apart and no greater than 2 days apart. It is recommended to have experienced 1-3 healing sessions prior to a Reconnection. For more information please visit also .


This is a once in a lifetime experience that vibrates at the rate of 333.


Step Into Your Life Path!


Session Fees € 333.-


German - English



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Coaching & Massagestudio


Höllentalstr. 33 

(zweiter Eing./second entrance)

82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen


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